Få inspiration till hur du kan förbättra ditt styrelsearbete.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity: A Must-Read Guide for Board Members and Chairpersons
From Tech Lawyer to Boardroom Leader: Linn Alfredsson's Journey with LEIA Health
Grästrots-förändning - att bryta ner strukturell förändring med enskilda vinster
Board Members, Are You Grabbing the Bull by the Horns or Accepting the Consequences?
It's not just about fairness, it's about smart business.
Diversity is not about fairness, its about smart businesses.
deb. community heads to the valley 🌟
deb. goes to the valley for a business trip. The deb. Executive Exchange Summit is a unique opportunity for our community of highly ambitious executive leaders to come together and explore industry trends, best practices, and innovations. Through a series of site visits, expert panels, and round table discussions, participants will gain valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of business, technology and of course board work.