Caroline takes a seat at the board table at Seaquell

Caroline Marberg is one of the debsters from the 22/23 cohort. As an accountant with a strong background in finance, she can bring valuable experience in financial management and corporate structure to any boardroom. Now she has taken a seat at the board for Seaquell, and we are sure she will bring great value to the company. 

Caroline has answered some questions to share more about her journey and her new mission. 

Give us a short introduction to yourself?

My name is Caroline Marberg, and I am CEO at Fiscal Year. My background is in finance and accounting where I help businesses achieve financial success and growth.

Tell us more about Seaquell.

Seaquelle is an environmentally friendly swimwear brand based in Gothenburg. They help keep the ocean clean from plastics by reusing it in the fabrics. 

How has the recruitment process been?

It was surprisingly easy and short. I liked the founders and the brand very much and they were looking for the expertise that I could bring to the table. 

What will be your primary contribution to their board? 

As a board member, my primary contribution will be in the area of financial management and structure. With my extensive background in finance and accounting, I am well-equipped to help the organization make decisions. By taking a proactive approach to financial management, I believe that we can position the organization for sustained growth and impact in the years ahead. 

Name one thing you take with you from deb.

My biggest lesson from this year with deb. has been reviewing my career and enhancing the key points from what I’ve done and really be proud of that.

Finally, share your favorite professional tip. 

Don’t be afraid to show off your accomplishments. Often enough we don’t give ourselves enough credit.

We work hard and achieve great things, but we don't always take the time to acknowledge our own successes. It's important to recognize and celebrate our accomplishments, both big and small. Not only does this boost our confidence and self-esteem, but it also helps us stay motivated and focused on achieving even more in the future. Remember that success is something to be proud of, so take this great advice from Caroline, don’t downplay your accomplishments or shy away from recognition. 

If you are interested in learning more about deb. or becoming a board member, please look through our website or contact us at for information.


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